Federal Services

POLICY CONSULTATION & PROGRAM DELIVERY FOR FEDERAL AGENCIES: Successfully Engaging Your Stakeholders & Achieving Goals
J|D has served as a contractor to the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) since 2011, and our decades-long work with the FAA gives us an insider’s perspective on the unique restraints that accompany government agency initiatives, as well as the agencies’ top priorities. Whether it be a highly specialized extension of staff or stakeholder engagement and facilitation, J|D provides the highest quality consulting services to our industry’s governing agency.
Our custom consulting services utilizes a proven process that starts with a solid awareness of our clients’ needs, we then identify ways to improve operations and policies, and ends with a deliverable that exceeds expectations. We manage each project with detail, efficiency, and critical thinking to provide the FAA useful information, tools, and guidance to foster industry growth. Over the past decade, J|D has evolved its federal support to include not only the Office of Airports, but the Office of Commercial Space Transportation, and the Office of Environment and Energy.
Federal Services Include:
- Policy Consultation
- Program Delivery
- GIS Services
- Strategic Communications Development